Make informed decisions on actor placement, lens selection and camera setup by visualizing scenes exactly as they will look on the day of filming. In our studio, we offer virtual shooting sessions with integrated real-time or pre-recorded motion capture data. This advanced approach greatly reduces guesswork and significantly improves the overall cinematic quality of your production.

By interacting with the virtual environment in real time, directors and cinematographers are empowered to make accurate and confident decisions. Not only does this fully align with their creative vision, but it also ensures a more efficient and effective filming process, enhancing the end result of your project.Our previs tools allow you to carefully consider scenography, giving directors and production designers the ability to visualize and plan the physical elements of the set in perfect harmony with LED sizes, digital backgrounds and camera movement.Reduce the risks associated with shooting on virtual sets by carefully planning and previewing scenes, resulting in a smoother production process. Producers are sure to appreciate the increased productivity while reducing costs.